Body Sculpting FAQs

How does non-invasive body contouring work? Will the non-invasive treatments hurt? Will they actually work??
Get the answers to some of the most common body contouring questions below.
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Laser Lipo | ContourLight | Ultrasonic Cavitation | Radio Frequency | Teeth Whitening | BellaTone | FitSauna | Whole Body Vibration

Laser Lipo FAQs:

How many treatments will I need?

To see maximum results a course of 8 treatments is recommended, per body area. These treatments should be done twice per week at regular intervals.

Which areas of the body can be treated? 

The laser lipo procedure can be performed on calves, knees, thighs, buttocks, stomach, arms. Laser lipo is a multi-pad system that makes treatment fast and efficient. Typical treatment times are 20-40 minutes.

What inch loss could I achieve from this treatment?

This will vary from person to person depending on your size, but the results from the treatment will be greatly improved by your commitment to the treatment. A healthy diet needs to be adhered to and an exercise program is important to follow to enable the released fat to be used up as energy. This should be done the same day as your i-lipo treatment.

Does it hurt? 

Laser lipo is a low level LED Light and most people feel very little when it is used on them. Laser lipo is a comfortable relaxing treatment where the typical sensation felt is just a slight warmth where the pads are in contact with your skin. The process is extremely relaxing. The most you’ll feel is a slightly warm sensation in the treatment area. In fact, you could bring a book or your iPod and completely chill out.

Is it suitable for men and women? 

The laser lipo treatment works equally well for both.

Can everyone have the treatment? 

There are a few medical conditions that would stop us from performing the treatment. Your laser lipo therapist will go through a full health and medical questionnaire with you before your first treatment to ensure you are suitable. This will also include a detailed description of the treatment and time for any questions you may have.

How long will the results last? 

Booster treatments are not necessarily needed with the laser lipo, as long as your weight, diet and exercise are maintained. One treatment performed now and again is a good incentive to keep you in control.

How safe is Laser Lipo? 

It is completely safe; Laser Lipo low level LED light technology has been studied and used for over 30 years for many biomedical purposes including wound healing, pain relief and inflammation. Don’t forget either that this is not lipo ‘suction’ or ’Smart lipo’, and therefore has none of the associated risks and problems involved.

Which areas of the body can be treated?

Virtually anywhere there is excess fat such as:

  • Arms

  • Bottoms

  • Thighs

  • Legs

  • Stomach

  • Love Handles

  • Hips

  • Back

Where does the fat go? 

Laser Lipo treatments result in the liquefaction of fats. The liquefied fat is then drained away by the lymphatic system which is responsible for removing wastes from the body. From here, they’re delivered to the skeletal muscles where – through exercise – they’re burned to CO2 and ultimately eliminated from the body as we breathe out.

What happens to the Glycerol that is released with the fat?

Glycerol is sent to the liver for gluconeogenesis, a fancy word for ‘sugar making’.

What happens after each treatment? 

One can resume normal activities immediately as Laser Lipo is completely non-invasive with no down-time whatsoever. However, some form of exercise is necessary to burn of the drained fat (fuel) as energy.

What results can one expect from the Laser Lipo treatment? 

Measurable loss should always be noticed after the first treatment alone because Laser Lipo works very quickly. Both male and female clients have found that those hard to reduce trouble spots can be treated quite significantly within just a few treatments. Although results can vary depending on the size of the individual, the area to be treated etc.

Contour Light® FAQ's:

Is the Contour Light® device safe?

Yes. The light emitted by the Contour Light® does not generate excessive heat and will not cause a burn. The light is very bright and should not be looked at directly for an extended period of time but it is much safer than a laser device that can damage eyes with even a slight glance into the beam.

What is LLLT?

LLLT stands for Low Level Light Therapy. This is different than a medical or aesthetic laser treatment because the energy emitted by a LLLT device is much lower than a medical or aesthetic laser system. The effects on the patient’s skin with a LLLT device are gradual, as compared with a medical or aesthetic laser that delivers an immediate response. LLLT devices are much safer to operate as compared to medical or aesthetic laser systems.

What is the difference between laser light and LED light when it relates to this technology?

The light emitted by a 635nm device, regardless of whether the source is laser-based or LED-based, will deliver the same reaction within the tissue. This has been proven in a study done by a physician that indicated both types of light, laser and LED, became diffused upon entering the dermis. The light was diffused to the point where there was no negligible difference between the two types of light when it reached the subcutaneous fat cells (fat cells below the surface of the skin).

What type of results can be expected?

The recommended Contour Light® treatment protocol involves 10 treatments in a series, delivered every other day or every 3 days. Most patients see a noticeable improvement within the first 2 or 3 treatments, some as early as the 1st treatment. The full series of 10 treatments should address most patient expectations, but some patients may want to continue with additional treatments.

Can anyone be treated?

A Contour Light® treatment is safe and effective for anyone who does not have a medical condition that reduces their ability to eliminate waste via the liver and kidneys. Patients are recommended to consult their physician before starting any type of diet or exercise program.

What areas of the body can be treated?

The Contour Light® can be used on any part of the body; hips, waist, thighs, back, upper arms, and neck.

Will a 635nm device work on an obese individual?

Clinically obese patients can benefit from a treatment involving a 635nm device. Just as with any other type of patient, the improvement in appearance has a motivating effect, enabling the patient to apply an effort that can provide exceptional results in the long term.

What can a person do to optimize their results?

To achieve optimal results with the Contour Light® treatments, the patient should follow the simple steps outlined in our protocol. This protocol involves a moderate diet, minimal exercise, and reasonable water consumption. Any individual who is committed to improving their appearance will have no problem following these guidelines.

Is there an age limit?

Yes, it is our policy to not provide this service to anyone under the age of 18.

What does a Contour Light® treatment feel like?

The patient will lie on a treatment bed and the pads are placed over the area to be treated. The system will be turned on and the patient will feel a slight warming sensation, but no pain or discomfort. Most patients can read or use their phone/portable device, while some will even take a short nap.

How long will the results last?

Results will vary from patient to patient, primarily due to the commitment by the patient to their goals. If a patient maintains a healthy lifestyle of a diet and exercise program that promotes weight control, their results can be long term.

Will cholesterol and triglyceride levels increase after a treatment?

There is no evidence that a 635nm treatment will cause an elevation of triglyceride or cholesterol levels. These treatments are totally safe.


Ultrasonic Cavitation FAQ's:

Can I lose weight with Ultrasound Cavitation?

Ultrasonic Cavitation is not a method of weight loss. It is designed to reshape and sculpt the body and remove localized stubborn fat or cellulite. Ultrasonic Cavitation treatments work best when combined with a low fat and low carbohydrate diet and regular exercise and these will help you to lose weight.

How many treatments can I have?

We recommend you have a course of 6 and a maximum of 12 treatments before having a break of 4 weeks to allow your body to recover. You should allow 72 hours between treatments.

How soon can I see a result of cavitation?

Most clients will have a noticeable reduction in their measurements after the very first treatment, some have recorded 5 inches, however the average is a 2 inch loss. The process of fat removal continues for up to 7 days after each treatment so it isn’t unusual to see a further decrease a day or two after your initial treatment.

Is the fat reduction permanent?

Yes, the fat cells are fractured, broken down and the cells are drained away through the liver and passed as waste from the body.

How long is a treatment?

The service is tailored to the individual but generally including consultation and measurement, you can expect to be with us between 45 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes.

How long should I wait after childbirth to have cavitation treatments?

You must wait a minimum of 3 months after normal birth of your baby or a minimum of 6 months after C section. It is best to get GP approval post childbirth prior to commencing Ultrasonic Cavitation.

Do I have to rest afterwards?

No, the great thing about this treatment is that you can go about your day as normal. We strongly advise you to increase your water intake to at least a half gallon a day to help with the fat removal.

What would happen if I had cavitation during my period?

Ultrasound increases blood flow and you would feel uncomfortable.

Is there an age limit?

Yes, it is our policy to not provide this service to anyone under the age of 18.

Can I have more than one area treated if I pay?

Following the treatment, the body has to work to remove the excess fat that is now passing through the lymphatic system to the liver. For this reason, treating multiple areas is not advisable and may not be effective. We follow the rule of no more than 30 minutes of Ultrasonic Cavitation every 72 hours. Those 30 minutes however, can be split between opposite sides of the body, i.e. 15 minutes on the left thigh and 15 minutes on the right thigh.

What if I don’t see results straight away?

It is important to remember that everyone is different and your body will work according to your unique metabolism. You will see reduction during a course of treatments which is why we recommend a course of 6 or more to get great results.

What can I do at home to help with treatments?

Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol after your service. Try and increase your heart rate by taking some exercise for the best results, even by doing some household chores, and avoid too many carbohydrates.

Will people know that I’ve had help to get my new figure?

It is completely up to you if you tell people that you have had Ultrasonic Cavitation, however the treatment is non-invasive so there are no scars and you won’t have to take time off work to recover. We are fully committed to ensure your privacy is maintained at all times.

Radiofrequency Treatment FAQs:

What is a Radiofrequency Treatment?

When it comes to skin tightening, there are a lot of popular methods. However, radio frequency has consistently stayed in the spotlight as an effective approach. But what causes sagging skin in the first place? Well, sagging happens because collagen, the structural support of your skin, diminishes over time. Collagen loss also contributes mightily toward volume loss and wrinkle formation. So, what is the solution if not surgery? Well, that’s where Radiofrequency comes in.

How It Works

Radiofrequency (RF) treatment is a non-surgical means of reshaping of the body and the face from beneath the superficial layer of the skin. This method uses sophisticated devices specifically designed to treat your most common skin aging problems like wrinkles, excess fatty tissues, or cellulite. This method utilizes radio frequency waves, which is basically heat energy meant for tissue remodeling and production of elastin and new collagen. Radiofrequency is different than most invasive procedures, which only affect the most superficial layers of the skin. Heat is a stimulation that promotes contraction of the underlying tissues, especially at the dermis level. Soft tissues found within that area of the body compress, realign, and even produce new collagen, a process that normally takes many months to complete. This allows radio frequency to have consistently effective and amazing results when it comes to skin tightening.

How Long Do the Results of Radiofrequency (RF) Treatments Last?

Results of radiofrequency (RF) treatments can last up to 6 months. 

Do Radiofrequency (RF) Treatments Hurt?

No - Radiofrequency (RF) treatments are non-ablative and therefore do not cause pain. A tingling sensation may occur.

Can Radiofrequency (RF) Treatments Be Repeated?

Yes - As with any cosmetic treatment, in order to maintain results, repeat treatments can be necessary.

What are the benefits?

  • Diminishes and Removes Cellulite: Cellulite is a women-only skin issue commonly found around the buttocks and at the back of the thighs where we generally store our body fats. With the adipose tissue and fats as the cause of cellulite, the heat coming from the RF treatment diminishes the bulging of excess fatty tissues. This makes RF an amazingly effective treatment for cellulite.

  • Reduction of Body Fats: When it comes to the main problem of body fat, it is pretty similar to cellulite. With both issues, the problem lies with the fatty tissues from beneath the skin’s superficial and lower layers. So how does it work? Well, the resulting heat mechanism of the RF treatment causes some body fats to melt and be drained into the system. This produces results at par or equal to surgical means of losing body fats.

  • Skin Tightening: One of the best things about Radiofrequency is that is a non-invasive and non-surgical approach to skin tightening. Deep-seated soft tissues from under the skin are stimulated through RF. This facilitates healing through the production of new collagen tissues that are reactive towards the RF waves.

These are many other benefits of Radiofrequency; however, these are the most common.

BellaTone (High-Intensity Electromagnetic Technology - HI-EMT) FAQs:

What Is a BellaTone Treatment?

BellaTone is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that destroys fat and strengthens muscle in the abdomen and buttocks. It has also been effective in improving diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles), which often occurs post-pregnancy.

How Is BellaTone Different from Current Body Contouring Treatments?

Current body contouring treatments do not correct weak muscles underneath fat. This is problematic because muscle accounts for 35 percent of the human body and is an essential component of well-being. That being said, a BellaTone Treatment takes body sculpting to the next level by simultaneously destroying fat and increasing muscle mass.

How Does a BellaTone Treatment Work?

BellaTone uses high-intensity electromagnetic (HI-EMT) technology to force extremely powerful muscle contractions that are not possible with even the most rigorous workouts. This forced activity then increases fat metabolism and muscle tone for a leaner, tighter, and firmer abdomen and backside.

How Effective Is HI-EMT Technology?

To test the efficacy of the HI-EMT technology, many independent studies have been conducted. After a series of four treatments, researchers observed:

  • An average of 19% reduction in subcutaneous fat

  • An average of 16% increase in muscle mass

  • An average of 11% improvement in diastasis recti

  • An average of 96% patient satisfaction rate

Is a BellaTone Treatment Painful? Is There Any Downtime?

BellaTone (HI-EMT) is a painless procedure that feels very similar to intense abdominal or gluteal exercises–except the device is doing all the work. Best of all, it does not require any downtime, and normal activities, including workouts, can be resumed right away.

When will I see Results?

For optimal effects, patients should have six BellaTone treatments spaced at least two-to-three days apart. Fat reduction, muscle definition, and overall toning will begin to appear two-to-four weeks after the last session. BellaTone results are continuous and should be fully visible by three months, but can improve for up to six months.


FitSauna FAQs:

Is a FitSauna Session safe to do with implants? What about other conditions?

There is no research indicating that the infrared heat and temperatures generated by the FitSauna would cause changes in implants, although saline implants may be warmed by the heat. A FitSauna Treatment may be contraindicated if you have any chronic conditions, diseases, pins, rods or artificial joints, or if you are pregnant.

How many calories can be burned in a session?

The number of calories burned in a session is dependent on a number of factors and can vary from session to session. These include:

  • Your body type and metabolism.

  • How conditioned you are to sweat.

  • Your body’s current hydration status.

  • How/what you’ve recently eaten.

  • And many more.

Also remember that a FitSauna session can elevate your metabolism for many hours after the session ends, so the increased caloric consumption can continue for many hours as well.

How does someone get the most out of their FitSauna session?

We recommend our clients drink water before during and after their session to help the body flush itself of fats and toxins.

What Is Infrared?

Infrared is the band of light we perceive as heat. We cannot see this band of light with the naked eye, but we can feel this type of light in the form of heat. Our sun produces most of its energy output in the infrared segment of the spectrum. Infrared rays heat your body without having to heat the air in-between, through a process called conversion.

The infrared is divided into 3 segments by wavelengths, measured in microns; 0.76~1.5 microns-near;1.5~5.6 microns-middle;5.6~1000 microns-far infrared. Among these segments, only far infrared penetrates organic substances such as the human body two to three inches so that the warming effect is very uniform.

Will changing dietary and health habits improve results from the FitSauna sessions?

Of course any diet and lifestyle improvement will be of benefit whether or not people decide to undertake a weight loss program. However, if a client has made the commitment to a program then more value will be derived from that commitment if other lifestyle improvements are also undertaken.

Should I drink water before or after a session?

It is recommended that drinking room temperature water before, during and after a session allows the body to stay hydrated and replaces body fluids that have been sweated out during the session.


Whole Body Vibration FAQs:

What is whole-body vibration?

With whole-body vibration (WBV), a passive and highly-effective form of exercise, you stand, sit or lie on our machines that have an oscillating, vibrating platform powered by sound waves (not motors as in traditional ones). Our machine is practically noiseless.

With each vibration, the machine delivers energy to your body, which forces your muscles to contract and relax dozens of times each second.

Research shows that WBV may help improve muscle strength and that it may help with weight loss when you also cut back on calories.

WBV was initially studied and conducted by the Russian cosmonauts to counteract the effects of the zero-gravity environment of space, such as atrophy of muscles, bone density loss and other negative effects on the body.

What are the benefits of whole-body vibration?

10 minutes a day of whole-body vibration several times a week may help with weight loss, muscle toning, burning fat, improving flexibility, enhancing blood flow and lymphatic drainage, reducing muscle soreness after exercise, building strength and decreasing the stress hormone cortisol (WebMD). It increases bone density and balance in older adults.

It also helps with mood stability, improving sleep, diabetes management, pain management and reducing cellulite!

Is it just for fitness?

When performed correctly, WBV has been shown to reduce back pain, improve strength and balance in older adults and help reduce bone loss/improve bone density.

How many calories can I burn in a 10 minute session?

In one ten-minute WBV session with our machine, you can burn up to 190 calories.

Will WBV exercise help increase my flexibility?

Yes it can help improve your flexibility. Before you use WBV, try touching your toes, and after your session, try touching your toes again. You will notice It will be much easier the second time. A better range of motion and flexibility is usually the first thing the users notice.


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